Do you offer free ads? No. We offer paid ad listings. Ad appears online upon payment. Pay within 12 hours or the drafted ad will be deleted.
Can I pay using a credit/debit card? Yes.
I want to post several ads. Do you offer discounts? Currently, there are no plans for discounted fees.
How many images can I place in my ad? Maximum of 5 images per ad.
When does my ad appear? The ad will appear when we have received payment.
Do you vet my ad? It is your responsibility to ensure the ad does not violate any laws.
What ads are not allowed? The posting of illegally obtained information (such as stolen credit card numbers) is not allowed. The posting of information for which the user does not have copyright or permission is not allowed. The posting of material deemed to be obscene or unlawful if viewed by underaged persons is not allowed. Ads promoting gambling are not allowed. Ads offering sexual services are not allowed. Ads offering sale of wildlife deemed illegal by AVA are not allowed. Ads offering sale of illicit/illegal stuff are not allowed. Ads exposing private information of individuals are not allowed. Harassment of other users and disruption of their use of the system are not allowed.
My account has been deleted. Why? We take rigorous action to tackle spam. If your new account has been deleted, it could be that our spam software has detected suspicious activity. Please register again and send us an email (send to saying “I wish to sign up”. This way, we will know it’s not a spam bot that has processed the sign-up.
My ad does not appear on the website’s listings. If you have made payment, your ad will be published and appear on the website’s listings. If you have yet to make payment, your ad will remain in ‘pending’ mode and will be deleted within 12 hours.